What are non-friend messages?
When two users are not exchanged contacts yet, they are not friends, and sending messages to each other requires a non-friend message quota(50 non-friend messages = 50 credits). Users who have subscribed to royal membership or intermediate membership will also be assigned a specific non-friend message quota.
📌Please note that each non-friend message sending from free users deducts 3 of message quotas.
When two users already exchanged contacts, they become friends and can send unlimited messages for free.
How to exchange contacts with others?
現時有3種權限可以與其他用戶交換聯絡,包括👑尊貴會員的交換聯絡限額、🌟中級或尊貴會員的交換聯絡限額和🌹贈送不少於30朵花 (花朵數量視乎被邀請人設置)。
至於實際是哪一種方法,則需視乎用戶在個人資料設置了哪種條件,如用戶設置了贈送花以交換聯絡,則需一併填寫所需花朵數(1朵花 = 1點數)。訂閱了尊貴會員或中級會員的用戶會獲派特定的交換聯絡限額,如想增加更多限額,可以透過點數(credit)購買 (1個交換聯絡=20點數),而單純購買了交換聯絡限額的免費會員是不能使用的,需要留待升級為付費會員才能使用。
There are currently 3 ways to exchange contact with other users, including 👑exchange contact quota for royal members, 🌟exchange contact quota for intermediate member or higher membership and 🌹given no less than 30 flowers (The actual amount of flowers varies depending on invitees’ settings).
As for the actual method, it depends on the conditions set by the user in the personal information. If the user sets a gift of flowers in exchange for contact, the required number of flowers must be filled in at the same time (1 flower = 1 credit). Users who have subscribed to the royal membership or intermediate membership will be assigned a specific exchange contact quota. If you want to increase the quota, you can purchase it through credits (1 exchange contact = 20 credits). Free members who simply purchase the exchange contact quota cannot use it until they upgrade to a paid member.
How to add friends? What are the benefits of friendships?
當成功交換聯絡 (透過限額或送花),便是成為好友的意思。好友除了可以解鎖彼此的各項聯絡方式,還可以無限發送訊息。
You can add a friend by getting contact through deducting quota or giving flowers. In addition to unlocking each other's contact methods, friends can also send unlimited messages.
Can the quota be refunded if my friends’ contact info field is empty or invalid?
Exchanging contacts implies the intention to become friends. By becoming friends, you unlock each other's various contact information and can send unlimited messages. Choosing to exchange contacts with someone is a personal decision and may involve a potential discrepancy between expectations, such as the editable nature of contact information and the freedom of one party to respond to messages. Please consider this carefully before choosing to exchange contacts with others.
By using the quota, you indicate your agreement with the aforementioned statement and your willingness to assume the risk of any discrepancy between expectations. Thank you.
What are the differences in search filters for several levels of users?

I purchased a lower-priced membership/recharge product by mistake. Can I pay the difference to upgrade to a higher-tier option?
In MillionBB, all billing records and calculation settings are automatically operated by the system, and cannot be manually changed or reversed. Therefore, if you want to subscribe to a more premium membership, you can still choose to upgrade. The rewards of your previous intermediate membership will not be revoked.
我在 MillionBB 上被騷擾了,該如何舉報申訴呢?
I was harassed on MillionBB, how can I file a complaint?
MillionBB 提倡「正派」、「真誠」、「可愛」,因此非常注重優良交友環境的維護。 若您使用 MillionBB 遇到疑似違反使用者條款的用戶時,包含但不限於商業推廣行為、詐騙、不當言語騷擾、未滿18歲使用、…等行為,請多加利用舉報功能以協助維護 MillionBB 良好環境。 若使用者被用戶舉報達一定次數,系統會自動將其停權,情節重大者,一經審核成立也將會直接將其停權。對方不會得知舉報人為誰,請安心使用。
MillionBB advocates "propriety", "sincerity", and "cuteness", and therefore places great emphasis on maintaining a good social environment. If you encounter users on MillionBB who may have violated the user agreement, including but not limited to commercial promotion, fraud, inappropriate verbal harassment, use by those under 18, etc., please make use of the reporting function to help maintain MillionBB's good environment. If a user is reported by other users a certain number of times, the system will automatically suspend their account, and for serious cases, they will be directly suspended after review. The reporting party will remain anonymous, so please feel free to use the reporting function.
How can I get several badges?

Age / Real-name verification can be obtained simply by uploading credentials and get the approval by Admin.
Star user⭑:rated by at least 5 users with an average score of 4 or above.
擁有星級用戶徽章 (女會員) 有什麼獎勵?
What's the reward for having a star-user badge (to female member)?
星級用戶(女會員):會員將有資格領取10個非好友訊息限額,如果他們在每個月份登入獎勵計劃,這些限額將存入其帳戶。 這項獎勵每月授予一次。只有帳戶剩餘少於20個非好友訊息的星級女會員合乎資格領取此獎勵。
Female members who have a star-user badge:Members will be eligible for 10 non-friend messages, which will be credited to their account if they log in to the Reward Program in each month. This bonus item will be awarded only once during a calendar month. Only female members with accounts having less than 20 non-friend messages are eligible to receive this reward.
Note: Please don’t exchange each other's contact information through Chat Room. We maintain a zero-tolerance policy against cheating. The admin team carefully monitors to ensure fair date and will actively remove users who do not adhere to these policies.
*We will raise the threshold for star users (female members) at any time to protect the rights of male members..
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